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  • Writer's pictureNauti Habits

Night Fishing - Perth Metro

I looked down at my watch, 4:00pm, work was finished for the day and the weather was looking excellent. Got on the phone to Dan (Nauti crew member) and before I said anything he said "I'm keen". I raced home, grabbed the rods, bait and fish bags and made my way to the boat ramp. Dan pulled up in his 70 series Landcruiser with 7 meter swiftcraft boat in tow. We chucked the gear on the back of the boat, backed it down the boat ramp and set off out of the mariner at Hilary's.

We drove out of the markers and made our way through the gap (a channel through the reef west of Hillarys). The weather was looking great and the sea was pretty flat, we sat on about 35 knots the whole way out to the fishing spot we call Dhu time! The whole way out I was standing in the passenger seat with a grin from ear to ear as everyone that knows me, knows that this is where I belong. This is my "habit"! Within 20 minutes we were at the spot, we rigged up, dropped the bottom meats and took in the amazing Western Australian sunset which did not disappoint.

So there we are, two mates out in the middle of the ocean, taking in the surroundings, talking, beer, banter and bulk sh##. And then bang, huge bite and the rod starts screaming. The rod tip is bent over as I adjust the drag to try and slow the fish down. The rod is shaking and I could feel it was a good size fish. As I'm reeling the fish in, lifting the rod and reeling down to keep constant pressure of the line, my blood is boiling with excitement and the fight continues. After a few minutes we look down into the water and through the illumination of the lights on the side of the boat we see colour, a Western Australian Dhu fish, a good size too! Dan springs into action and gets the landing net ready, I carefully bring the fish up to the surface as Dan reaches down with the net and scoops the fish in. I start yahooing with excitement as its the biggest Dhu fish I have landed since living in Perth. It barely fit in the land net! I looked at Dan, stoked with what I had caught and lifted up the fish, admired his size and chucked him in the fish bag. Although this is not the stonker we are chasing, feeling the power and the weight of this fish has got me even more keen to bag the lucid 20kg Dhu fish! until then, Stay Nauti.


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